Home » Unlocking a passion for SKF amongst learners from Springs Technical High School

Unlocking a passion for SKF amongst learners from Springs Technical High School

by Tia

While attending an invitational open day at Springs Technical High School on 25 May 2024, SKF extended an invitation to the Grade 11 and 12 learners to visit their head office in Marlin Road, Jet Park, Johannesburg, which was eagerly accepted by the educational facility.

On 17 and 31 July respectively, 72 Grade 12 Learners and 54 Grade 11 Learners, joined by four Educators, were given the opportunity to tour the SKF complex and listen to short presentations centred on SKF’s capabilities.

“The initiative also enabled us to further strengthen our partnership with the FLSmidth Training Academy, with SKF Academy Head, Steve Parkinson, sharing a short presentation of their Apprenticeship and Learnership programs with the learners,” says Eddie Martens, SKF Product Manager – MaPro.

Both groups displayed a tremendous thirst for knowledge, posing questions non-stop and soaking in the information shared by the SKF team. “It was extremely gratifying to see the enthusiasm of these passionate young learners and their keenness to learn,” shares Martens. “It is our hope that 128 young artisans of the future will, armed with a passion for SKF, make positive contributions as they go out into the workspace.”

The headmistress of Springs Technical High School has, in subsequent meetings, expressed a keen interest in strengthening the partnership with both SKF and FLSmidth going forward. SKF South Africa’s top management has also pledged to visit the school to view the facilities that are available to the learners.

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