The South African Montessori Association is pleased to announce that the 20th National SAMA conference will be held from the 25th to 26th June 2022 at the Generation Schools Somerset West Campus, Copacabana Blvd, Heritage Park, Cape Town.
Our theme “Evolve or Expire – “The chaos of technology in education” will speak to the turmoil in education after emerging from an international crisis.
It can be hard to believe that the internet as we know it today was only invented some 50 years ago. And since then, technology has taken off, improving by leaps and bounds and leaving education trailing behind.
This year’s theme centres around the chaos of technology in education and the merging of what has traditionally been viewed as separate spheres.
Our main sponsors this year is GenEx, an EduTech company that seamlessly bridges the gap between education and technology using digital technology and forward-thinking and Cambridge, a well known educational institution that prepares students for life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning.
Between Evolution and Expiration, the answer is clear. Join us to unravel the web and make sense of the chaos.
SAMACon 2022 will explore and discuss new industry trends and ideas in education, technology and Montessori. Our speakers will be sharing their experience and knowledge in education from all stages.
Some of the speakers include; Lynne Lawrence, Stuart Briner, Kevin Ebenezer and Robert Paddock.
This is an opportunity for all our partners in education to come together, collaborate and meet people with similar interests in the hopes of being re-inspired.