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Career advice and subject choice guidance at Stellenbosch University

by Media Xpose

Prospective students are confronted with various programmes and career options – undoubtedly an advantage but also a significant challenge. Stellenbosch University prioritises assistance to prospective students in facilitating realistic programme and career choices. It is for this reason that we offer professional career advice and subject choice guidance services. 

Who can make use of this service?

This service is available to grade 9, 11 and 12 learners.

How does subject choice guidance fit into the career decision-making process?

There are various factors that play a role in the process of making a successful career choice. One of the first considerations is a realistic and informed subject choice for grades 10 to 12. A learner’s subject choice can have significant implications regarding a future career. Often, there is a lack of understanding regarding the important considerations contributing to making the correct subject choice.

What does the service entail?

We offer appointments at our offices in Stellenbosch as well as online assessments.

An assessment at our offices includes a 4-hour psychometric assessment of personality, aptitude and interests, a 1-hour individual feedback session, and a report of the results and recommendations. 

Testing starts at 08:30 until 12:30, and feedback is on the same day in the afternoon. 

Recommendations are made based on the client’s unique profile and can include programmes at various higher education institutions. This opportunity is offered to all prospective students and not only to those who wish to study at Stellenbosch University.

The process for an online assessment is the same as for an office appointment, except that our platform is MS Teams, and we use the online versions of all the psychometric instruments. 

For bookings please contact: csr@sun.ac.za / 021 808 4709.

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